Ultra Clear Glass Filtration Media
What is it? A High-Tech Filter Media Virgin plate-glass (no bottle glass) Developed by Ultra Water in their laboratory in Dunoon Advanced Manufacturing Technology Slightly negative charge attract particles (released on backwash) What is it for? Substitute for Silica Filter Media To begin taking advantage of the benefits of Glass Filter Media: Remove old filter media Fill with Glass Filter Media Start normal operations Water Savings!: Reduced Backwash time Approximately 50% savings Fewer Backwashes needed Energy (and equipment) Savings: Less friction loss Increased filtered water volume Less Equipment Maintenance Chemical Cost Savings: Flocculent products Disinfection products PH control products Longer Life Span Silica lasts 3 – 5 years, glass media will last 15 years A single grain type is used, filters can be emptied for maintenance and the same media can be reused. Increased Quality and Hygiene: Reduces the presence of bacteria Does not build up a biofilm Reduced Chloramines & presence of disinfectants Longer Life Span The facility performs more efficiently, reducing environmental impact Glass Media is 100 % recyclable.